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Removal of High Visibility Safety Vests Update

Jan 20, 2015Bulletins

Bulletin 4, 2015

To: RTBU Station Staff and Guard Members

Late last month the Group Manager Rules and Compliance, Sydney Trains issued Safe Notice 320 which stated that high-visibility vests will not be required to be worn whilst performing “right of way” procedures.

This Safe Notice was distributed without consultation it was in direct conflict with an on-going risk assessment process that was and is still currently being evaluated.

Management have been trying to have the high-visibility safety vest removed from the right of way process stating various reasons, including that the high-visibility safety vest does not add to safety and is not a safety control.

In regards to the on-going risk assessment process – A work group has been visiting the (40) listed Right of Way stations looking at the positioning/location on the platforms for “right of way” staff.  This process is still currently underway.

Furthermore, as a result of safety concerns raised by members and the fact that the risk assessment process has not been concluded Sydney Trains management issued a Safe Notice Telegram 1085 cancelling and withdrawing the original Safe Notice 320.

Members are advised that OSP 6 states the procedures for Right of Way and the procedures should be followed.

Members will be kept up to date when the risk assessment process has been completed and if any more information becomes available.

Members should always ensure that they are safe and it is safe to perform their duties.

Issued by: Graham Fozzard, Organiser

Authorised by: Robert Hayden, Assistant Branch Secretary (Rail)

Download this Bulletin here

