Probe after Tube passenger dragged along platform and into tunnel after getting handbag trapped in train doors

Feb 21, 2018News

Investigations have opened in the UK after an elderly woman was dragged along a platform and into the tunnel after her handbag became trapped in the train doors. While the investigations are yet to conclude, it’s clear that this horrible incident would’ve been prevented had there been a guard on the trainfacilitating the safe boarding and departing of the train and it’s passengers.

Our guards are critical in ensuring events like this don’t happen here in NSW. What happened in the UK this week confirms exactly what we’ve said can happen if our trains are operated operated without the staff to keep our passengers safe. Driver only trains are not the answer for a safe and effective train network and it shouldn’t take a serious incident like this to remind us of the value of having guards and station staff.

“An investigation has been launched after an elderly woman was dragged along a London Undergound station platform and into a tunnel after becoming trapped in a train door.

The 78-year-old suffered serious injuries after her bag got caught in the doors of a Tube train passing through Notting Hill Gate station last month.

Terrified passengers described the moment the pensioner “screamed for help” after she was pulled along the platform and into the tunnel as the Central line train left the platform. “

Read the full story on the Evening Standard here. 

