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Privatisation of rail services would cost jobs

Feb 22, 2016News

Screenshot 2016-02-22 11.19.32The NSW Government is rattling the chains of privatisation again as leaked documents suggest a sell-off of the rail network.

Selling off our train network would result in fewer jobs, a decrease in services and an increase in cost to commuters. The only winners would be shareholders of the big company who purchases it.

The NSW Government has a responsibility to provide a safe, affordable and efficient train network for Sydney commuters. Dodging that basic responsibility should never be an option.

Businesses are there to make money; simple as that. And they’ll do whatever it takes to do that, even if that means jacking up the price of tickets, cutting jobs and cutting corners.

At the end of the day, if the NSW Government sells off our train network, commuters and workers will suffer.

Workers deserve better than more short-term thinking from the Government, and the Premier and the Minister need to completely rule out any move to privatise our network.

Watch the full story on Channel 9 News here.

