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PN Support Workers

Apr 12, 2016Bulletins

Bulletin 10 – 2016

To: All Pacific National NSW Support Workers

Shift Managers Reclassification – Moss Vale Clyde & Enfield – (Bulk Agreement)

As previously reported on behalf of an affected member, on Wednesday 6th April, the RTBU represented the member’s case in the Fair Work Commission.

The company argued the positions of Shift Manager and any other support position not specifically mentioned in the Bulk agreement are not covered by the enterprise agreement. The company argues that instead, the positions are covered by common law contracts (‘Appointment Agreements’) which provide inferior protections and lower entitlements than the enterprise agreement.

The RTBU is refuting the company’s position and has progressed the matter to arbitration.

The Commission has set a hearing date for the dispute, that being 3rd June 2016.

Train Coordinator (Greta) and Integrated Live Run Coordinator (HBT) – (Coal Agreement)

On Friday 1st April, PN issued a notice of significant change to notify they are abolishing both roles and replacing with new roles called “Hunter Area Coordinator”, The company had previously advised employees of this however when a dispute was lodged, denied any such decision had been made. As late as 22nd March the company advised in writing of such.

The company scheduled an employee meeting on Monday 4th April. The RTBU attended and after observing the company’s actions in relation to consultation and reappointment, lodged an application for a dispute to be heard in the Fair Work Commission.

The dispute has been listed for conference on Friday 29th April.  During the intervening period, the RTBU will actively attempt to resolve matters with Pacific National however considering Pacific National’s position so far, prospects of this happening do not appear great. Members are reminded that while a matter is in dispute the enterprise agreement requires that the Status Quo must remain until the dispute is resolved. Any breach should be reported to the RTBU.


As members would have seen, this matter was recently reported on by the National Office. Affected members are again reminded, anyone considering employment at the site should contact the RTBU prior, so as we can provide you with relevant important information.

Further information will be provided as events unfold.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Greg Cameron

Project Officer

Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

