RTBU Express
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PN refusing to budge on Intermodal agreement

Sep 18, 2017Loco Express

On Wednesday 13th September an EBA meeting was held with Pacific National in an endeavour to finalise the agreement. The issue of the percentage increase was front and centre of negotiations at this meeting however the company would not budge from their position of 2% per annum plus the $1500 one-off bonus.

The RTBU was prepared to negotiate its claim of 4% plus a $1500 bonus per annum PN’s intransigence in not preparing to negotiate from their position means that further negotiations are untenable. Meetings have therefore concluded.

The RTBU is unable to continue negotiations at this point in time. The RTBU will now seek direction from the membership on moving forward.

Click here to read the full Newsflash. Another Newsflash will be sent out shortly.

