Bulletin: 9/20
To: Rail, Tram and Bus Union – Pacific National North Sydney (IPS) Members.
Pacific National Say No to Decent Wages and Refuse to Negotiate
In our last newsletter, we advised members that the RTBU had written to Pacific National (PN) management seeking clarification on IPS member’s employment instrument and classification levels.
PN wrote back stating:
“employees employed within the Integrated Planning Service (IPS) are engaged under common law contracts. These employees are covered by the Rail Industry Award 2010”
Despite members’ request, no classification levels were supplied. PN also stated that they had reviewed IPS employees’ conditions to meet minimum Award conditions, however they have not provided any evidence or calculations.
In its response, it was made clear that PN would not be recognising current enterprise agreements and do not want to negotiate a standalone agreement for IPS. PN need to provide an explanation of why IPS employees should not be paid the same as other equivalent workers covered by enterprise agreements.
Listed below is an example of what a PN employee covered by an enterprise agreement is paid:
PN Bulk EA Coordinator – Level 2.4
Base Rate $123 503
Super $14 430
Shift APM 23% $28 406
Leave Loading $2 375
Annual Salary $168 714.00
N.B. These rates are without Overtime and increase by 3% in April.
As you can see others are well in front of IPS employees.
Considering PN’s response, the RTBU will be lodging a formal dispute with the company on behalf of members. We believe most members working at the IPS are already covered by an enterprise agreement. The first step after the dispute notification is meeting with management. If a resolution cannot be reached after meetings with management, the next step is conciliation in the Fair Work Commission. This process will take several weeks.
In the interim it is important that members still encourage others to join the Union. While the dispute progresses, members should become active by respectfully questioning their leadership as to why they are being treated the way they are. Ask why PN will not pay industry rates of pay and provide decent conditions such as fatigue friendly rosters, proper meal breaks, and paid overtime at industry rates.
Openly discuss these issues with your workmates whenever opportunity presents.
Over the coming weeks the RTBU will regularly provide progress communications. Please email any questions you may have to or phone our office on (02) 9264 2511.
Issued By: Greg Cameron Projects Officer | Authorised By: Alex Claassens Branch Secretary |