Pacific National – IPS GIFT CARDS

Feb 20, 2025News

Bulletin No. 2.25

Dear Members,

Concerning all those RTBU members who were subject to the Pacific National Lockout –

Your personalised Visa gift cards have finally arrived!

Your Organiser Amanda Perkins will be at your workplace on the following dates to dispense these cards – (you will have to sign for them)

Friday 21st February 12noon – 1pm

Monday 24th February 12noon – 1pm

If these dates don’t suit or you are no longer at PN please contact Amanda Perkins 0400 111 446 and organise to come to our Pitt Street Office or receive via registered post.

The RTBU is waiting for a decision from the NSW Industrial Court regarding this illegal lockout and recovering your full wages.

Issued by:                                                      Authorised by:
Amanda Perkins                                              Toby Warnes
 Branch Organiser                                        Branch Secretary

Click HERE to download the bulletin.

