Who’s really to blame for the set back on the EA vote?

Dear members
In an unnecessarily provocative email this afternoon, Sydney Trains and NSW Trains blamed the Combined Unions for the delay in the EA going out.
To be clear, we have agreed to the draft wording of the EA.
The “undertaking” that they refer to is related to the good faith bargaining case we brought back in September and does not delay this process at all. The undertaking only applies until the Fair Work Commission hands down its judgement in the case, and only stops management from putting the agreement to a vote, not from distributing the EA and doing roadshows.
And that’s exactly what we’ve told them. We said that they should distribute the EA to all members and commence roadshows as soon as possible.
We have also said that we’d release them from the undertaking when it is necessary – and not before then.
Once again, to be clear, nothing the CRU has done will hold up the EA voting process. Any delay falls squarely at the feet of management of Sydney Trains and NSW Trains.
What Sydney Trains and NSW Trains have said in their email tonight is untrue and designed to confuse members about the voting process. It is insincere and unnecessary.
It should be noted that we’re still waiting on the judgement from our good faith bargaining case and that the Government is still suing us in the Federal Court over industrial action taken during our protected industrial action campaign.
In unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
23 December 2022