Wages Arbitration Completed

Dear Members
Over the past two days, we’ve been engaged in a hearing before the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission arguing that the minimum wage increases in the new enterprise agreement should be higher. We also argued that members needed a pay increase for the year 2021 to 2022.
The NSW Government argued strongly against higher pay increases basing their argument on Rail Workers allegedly already being paid enough. They also argued that we shouldn’t receive any back pay for 2021/2022 because of the $4,500 one off payment.
Both the unions and the Government produced expert economic evidence about what the effect of the rising cost of living (CPI) has on our wages.
The Commission will now consider our case and come to a decision about what the final wage increases should be for the life of the new enterprise agreement.
Our case also involved arguing that Customer Service Attendants (CSAs) should be entitled to a hazardous waste allowance for shifts on which they clean hazardous waste.
Delegates from the RTBU and the rest of the CRU gave evidence in the case and did our unions proud as they have done for this entire bargain.
The Agreement will likely be approved by the Commission in the very near future, and will commence operation 7 days after that. We encourage members to speak with their delegates and organisers to ensure that all newly won entitlements are properly implemented or enforced. In the meantime, we expect the $4,500 payment to be made either on 17 February 2023 or 24 February 2023 depending on when your pay cycle falls.
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
9 February 2023