RTBU Action forces free fares

Dear Members,
RTBU members have today forced the government to provide commuters with free travel for a week. This month of action came off the back of the Government taking us to Court in our effort to provide free fares to commuters through turning off the opal gates. Today we have achieved that outcome.
This is a pivotal moment in the negotiation and it shows that RTBU members have the upper hand.
Questions need to be asked about why the Government is willing to provide free travel for a week rather than spend that money on fixing the NIF or provide a fair and equitable pay and conditions to essential workers. The week of free travel, by the Government’s own estimations, cost it a whopping $22 million dollars for the 5 days.
This outcome costs the Government coffers, wins goodwill, and doesn’t cost us a thing. We remain committed to focussing our industrial action on the real enemy here, and not on commuters who continue to suffer from the Government’s transport bungles.
We will use the week to continue to push the government to deliver at the negotiating table.
A reminder to register now for Monday’s online member meeting, 1.30pm – 2.30pm.
We’ll have more information about the negotiations in the meeting and everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
In Unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
18 November 2022