New Protected Action Ballot Vote Opens Wednesday 5th October

Dear Members,
As members may have heard, last week we applied for a new Protected Action Ballot (PAB).
The PAB is to ensure that we are able to take protected industrial action in the form of deactivating all Opal gates and machines.
The Fair Work Commission made these ballot orders on Monday the 26th of September, and both our union and the employers are currently sending our lists of voters to the voting agency.
Voting will open at 0900hrs on Wednesday the 5th of October and will be open for one week. Voting closes at 1200hrs on Wednesday the 12th of October.
You should receive your login details to vote via email just prior to the vote opening.
It is very important that ALL members vote yes in the PAB.
This action is our best opportunity to force the government to stop stalling and finally come to a reasonable agreement with RTBU members. We know they don’t care about workers, but they do care about money.
We all need to work together to ensure the success of this action. Make sure you vote yes and regularly remind your fellow members to vote as well.
We have come so far in the last year of bargaining and for all the government’s backflips, RTBU members have continued to stick together and fight the good fight. We are in a position to get this EA over the finish line if we push just a little longer.
We understand that his EA process has been taxing on members. It has been a long and at times arduous battle having to combat the vindictive and cowardly attacks from a government who seem hell bent on doing everything except reaching a fair agreement with RTBU members. We commend every member’s commitment to standing up for what they deserve.
Keep your eyes peeled for more updates as they become available.
In Unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
29 September 2022