Location of Events during strike on Thursday morning 0001hrs

Dear members,
At 0001hrs on Thursday morning, RTBU members across the network will be walking off the job to further our demands for fair working conditions and a safe network.
Despite working hard through a once in a century pandemic, during this bargaining period we have been pushed to our limits by a NSW Government that is hell bent on taking us on.
At every turn we’ve faced them down, and so far, we have been victorious. So much so that we are close to securing what should be a good enterprise agreement with many improved conditions.
However, there are still sticking points yet to be resolved, and we need to use the most powerful tool in our arsenal to push this thing over the line.
Our remaining claims are:
• Alterations to the New Intercity Fleet
• Protection Officers and Infrastructure Classification Progression claims
• An industry allowance of $2.50 per hour for members performing cleaning duties
• Wages
Tomorrow night is an opportunity to come together and show solidarity, as well as flexing our industrial muscle and showing the Government that we won’t be moved by their bad faith tactics in the media and the Fair Work Commission.
Below is a list of locations where there will be events that members can attend to have a bite to eat and talk with each other about the current situation. Keep an eye out for the RTBU flags and posters.
1. Mortdale Maintenance Centre
2. Campbelltown Depot
3. Auburn Stabling Yard
4. Flemington Maintenance Centre – Lidcombe Station
5. Hornsby Maintenance Centre
6. Central (either Eddy Avenue or Platform 1 in the car park)
7. Blacktown Depot
8. Leppington Stabling Yard
9. Wollongong Station – Car Park
10. Newcastle Interchange
11. Lithgow Station
12. Rail Operation Centre – out the front
Remember if you run into any strife with management tomorrow, or tomorrow night, get in touch with your local delegate our organiser.
In Unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
Fax: (02) 92611342
26 July 2022