Government capitulates under members sustained pressure

Dear Members,
After many months of negotiation, industrial action, and solidarity from RTBU members, late yesterday we finally had a breakthrough.
Your commitment forced the Government to give us what we’ve been fighting so hard for – safe trains, dramatically improved conditions, and guaranteed wages with an in built mechanism for potentially higher wage increases.
Of course this isn’t the end of the road. No agreement is finalised until you, the members, vote on it. If members vote for the agreement, the question of wages, and some outstanding questions on conditions will go to arbitration in the Fair Work Commission where further increases and better conditions can be gained.
Members will have the opportunity to hear all the detail and provide feedback through a number of forums, including during a roadshow – the details of which will be provided soon.
In the meantime, below is some further detail from what was achieved yesterday and resulted in the in-principal agreement reached yesterday.
It includes:
- Fleet and Station Cleaners have achieved a $2.25 per hour “Higher Standards Cleaning Allowance” payable on every hour worked.
- The Commission will determine whether a hazardous waste allowance should be paid to our Station Staff.
- Rostering arrangements that are yet to be finalised will be given a 3 month period to be completed with key decision makers after which they will go to arbitration in the Commission.
- Union involvement in risk assessments to be settled in the coming days.
- The Government has given a 4 year guarantee that all staff involved in safety at the platform train interface (Station Staff, On-Boarders, Guards, Drivers, Repeaters) will be retained in the roles in they currently perform for the NIF and the New Regional Fleet.
The NIF Deed
The deed was finally signed yesterday. It means that:
a. All necessary alterations will be made to the New Intercity Fleet to enable it to be operated the same as the Waratah fleet.
b. An interim operating model will be used while the final alterations are made which will require two guards to be on each train, and significant limitations on when and where it can operate.
c.Guaranteed union involvement in the entire process.
- A $4,500 payment on approval of the Agreement;
- Commission to decide what the back pay figure should be for the period between 1 May 2021 and 1 May 2022.
- 2.53% (not including super) for 1 May 2022 to 1 May 2023 (7-8 months of backpay included). The Commission will then decide how much extra the Government should pay on top of that minimum figure.
- 3.03% (not including super) for 1 May 2023 to 1 May 2024. The Commission will then decide how much extra the Government should pay on top of that minimum figure.
- Agreement to expire on 1 May 2024 (18 month agreement).
- It is important to note that these wage figures are the “floor” i.e. this is the minimum amount members will receive. We will of course be writing detailed submissions explaining to the Commission why members deserve much more than this.
The in-principal agreement delivers on our log of claims, developed by you at the outset of negotiations. Together we decided what we wanted at the outset, and together we’ve moved closer to securing that. In the coming days, we’ll set out in detail the significant list of over 80 new entitlements that were secured through the negotiations.
We knew that if we stayed the course, negotiated strategically and stood united, the government would eventually cave on providing safe trains and fair pay and conditions. That proved true late yesterday.
Congratulations to all members for getting us to this point.
Members will of course have many questions about the detail of the agreement which will all be answered during the roadshow that will take place soon (details to come asap). As always, you can also speak with your local delegate or call the union office if you have any questions.
In unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Branch Secretary
Rail, Tram & Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
Fax: (02) 92611342
26 November 2022