FWC interim decision – Govt’s attempts to stop actions rejected

Dear members,
The Fair Work Commission has today rejected the NSW Government’s attempt to halt our protected industrial action planned for the coming days.
The interim decision is a significant blow for the NSW Government and a sign of just how flimsy their arguments for dragging us into the Commission were in the first place.
The full case is being heard on Thursday and we’ll provide members with an update on the outcome of that as soon as possible.
Today’s interim decision means that all actions planned for the coming days are still on. You can see the full calendar of actions at www.ourrightsourfight.org.au.
Please note, however, that a decision has been made by the Union that, due to the extreme weather events impacting large parts of the state, additional trains should be made available during the crisis period.
Our EA campaign, and everything we do, has always been about safety and common sense, so the decision to make some additional trains available on Wednesday and Friday, when the ban on operating 4GT rolling stock is running, was made on those grounds.
We’ve also introduced a new ban on transit officers issuing fines between Wednesday and Friday to give back to the community in these tough times.
We were due to meet with the Premier this morning, but unfortunately late last night his office contacted us to say he was no longer available to meet. He rescheduled this meeting today at 1pm and cancelled again. He is yet to reschedule. Anyone would think he was waiting for good news out of the Commission… We are hopeful the Premier will meet with us again as soon as possible – we’ll keep you posted on that.
Today’s interim decision is a significant win for rail workers, but Thursday’s decision is the next challenge. We’ll keep you updated on the outcome of that as soon as possible. In the meantime, our actions and the fight for a safe and fair rail network for commuters and workers continues.
You can also watch Director of Organising, Toby Warnes, give an overview of what happened today here on Facebook.
Please stay safe in the current weather.
In Unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
Fax: (02) 92611342
5 July 2022