End of conciliation before the Fair Work Commission

Dear Members,
Over the past three weeks, your EA delegates have been engaged in a process of conciliation before the Fair Work Commission in an effort to further negotiations after the Government pulled the pin on bargaining back on 1 September.
Whilst we have made some progress on some important items, there remains a substantial dispute over the following items:
- Union involvement in risk assessments for major projects.
- Rostering and Working Arrangement documents for Stations, On-Boarders, Crew Support Officers, Rail Operations Centre, and Fleet Maintenance.
- A change to the no-prior advice meal allowance in Section 2 to include pre-shift overtime.
- Cleaning Allowance – the quantum of the allowance and who it is paid to is still in dispute. We are fighting for it to be paid to all employees who perform cleaning duties.
- NIF alterations and safety at the Platform Train Interface.
- Wages
That is now the end of the conciliation process, and we are back before the Commission next Thursday, 6 October 2022 to finalise our arguments to get good faith bargaining orders against the NSW Government.
Stay tuned for updates about how the case is going. We remain confident that we will be vindicated with a finding that the Government has been bargaining in bad faith.
We also have our new protected action ballot starting next Wednesday, 5 October 2022 at 0900hrs. The vote will be held online, so keep an eye on your phones and emails and make sure you vote YES as soon as you get it.
In Unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
30 September 2022