EA Update – More backflips and planned meeting with the Transport Minister

Dear members,
Today we met with management again to go over the drafting of the new agreement. This is particularly important given the significant number of new conditions that have been achieved during these negotiations, and the new format of this agreement being a single agreement for both Sydney Trains and NSW Trains.
However, its always one step forward, two steps back with this Government and management. A win that was achieved earlier in the bargaining process which saw contract cleaners being converted to permanent Sydney Trains jobs after 3 months in the job was effectively walked back today after management stated that this was only supposed to be a “commitment in a letter” rather than an entitlement in the new agreement. This is clearly an unsatisfactory position that was not accepted by your bargaining team.
The Government continues to refuse to grant our Cleaners an additional allowance in recognition of the important and hard work they performed over COVID, and to compensate them for the higher standards of cleaning that the community now expects when travelling on our rail network.
Our Infrastructure Division’s claims remain outstanding despite some progress being made over the last two weeks. We remain hopeful that Sydney Trains will come to the party on these claims to avoid a fight with that Division that the Government surely cannot win.
And of course, there is the NIF… The Government still stubbornly refuses to sign a legally enforceable deed to make the required safety changes to the train. We will not take a politician’s word on these important changes and will continue to fight to ensure ours and the community’s safety.
Tomorrow morning, we have a meeting with the Transport Minister fresh from his return from overseas. We hope we have some news to report following that meeting and we will update members when we can.
In the meantime, you can access the latest calendar and news updates on our website, www.ourrightsourfight.com.au.
In Unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
2 August 2022