CRU proposes counter offer

Dear Members,
Yesterday, the 27th of October, the Combined Rail Unions sent Sydney/NSW Trains a counter wage offer.
The CRU package for the Sydney/NSW Trains Enterprise Agreement includes:
1. All agreed terms and clauses as of 26 October 2022;
2. A nominal expiry date of 2 May 2024;
3. Wage increases, expressed exclusive of superannuation:
a) 2.53% backdated from 1 May 2022, including backpay from that date upon commencement of enterprise agreement
b) 3.03% or the maximum remuneration increase allowed by NSW Government wages policy, whichever is greater, commencing 1 May 2023
c) 3.03% or the maximum remuneration increase allowed by NSW Government wages policy, whichever is greater, commencing 1 May 2024
4. Sign on bonus of $3595.67 (This amount is equivalent to 3.03% of the average annual gross earnings (before tax) for Sydney Trains and NSW Trains for the year ending 30 June 2022, based on figures provided to the CRU in conciliation)
This offer is subject to resolution of the six outstanding matters currently the subject of conciliation before the Fair Work Commission including the terms of the NIF deed and safety modifications, Risk Assessment clause, cleaning claims, Disciplinary clause, rostering, DOO/PTI.
The CRU requested that the rail entities respond early next week. The RTBU will update members when a response is received from Sydney and NSW Trains.
All members in Sydney and NSW Trains will have full opportunity to comment on any proposed EBA. The only way an agreement can be finalised is through a vote of all workers covered by the EBA at Sydney and NSW Trains.
We will update members as more information is available, including next moves on industrial action should it be necessary to advance the fight to secure safe trains and a fair EA.
In unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
28 October 2022