Breaking news – RTBU beats NSW Government (again) in Fair Work Commission

Dear members,
In breaking news – the RTBU has just won the case brought against us in the Fair Work Commission. On Monday, Premier Dominic Perrottet told NSW that “enough is enough” and that he was taking decisive action to prevent RTBU members exercising their basic human right to take industrial action.
In its case, the Government said that the RTBU’s actions posed a risk to the economy and the “health safety and welfare” of the people of NSW.
However, in his ruling today, Fair Work Deputy President Cross said “The RTBU, consistent with their stated focus on safety as its highest priority, took steps, independent from any urging by the Applicants, to ameliorate possible risks arising from their notified protected action. Those actions were substantial steps to addressing any perceived risks.”
The effect of the decision of the Fair Work Commission tonight is that we can continue our campaign for fair pay and a safe railway utilising protected industrial action.
This is another big win for members and yet another blow to the NSW Government’s attempt to dodge its basic responsibility to provide safe trains and fair wages and conditions.
It’s disappointing that the NSW Government decided to spend significant tax payer funds fighting us in the Commission (we estimate that over the 3 days this week, the NSW Government spent over $100,000) rather than simply getting on with the job of fixing the NIF and delivering an enterprise agreement Sydney and NSW Trains members deserve.
We’re still working through the lengthy FWC ruling, but we wanted to let you know the result as soon as possible. We’ll be back in touch with more information.
We’ll also now be pushing to ensure we can get back to proper negotiations as soon as possible and we’ll keep you updated on how that progresses.
In the meantime, congratulations on this win today. This has only been possible because of the unity and commitment of RTBU members. We’re another step closer to getting the EA and safe trains we all deserve.
In Unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
Fax: (02) 92611342
9 July 2022