Agreement in-principle reached – NIF Deed Signed

Dear Members,
We’re pleased to announce that after a marathon day in the Fair Work Commission, we’ve finally forced some significant movement from the government and have reached an agreement in-principle for the new enterprise agreement.
Of course, we’re not at the finish line yet, but our unity and our commitment has forced the Government to make the safety alterations to the NIF and we’ve pushed them to the point where a fair agreement is within reach.
Today, the NSW Government made several important undertakings, including:
- An agreement to sign the deed committing to make the safety changes to the New Intercity Fleet – at the time of writing it has just been signed!
- An agreement on a number of outstanding items, including an allowance of $2.25 per hour for cleaners, staffing guarantees for Station Staff, On-Boarders, Guards, and Repeaters, and rostering arrangements;
- An agreement on the record at the Fair Work Commission that they will not backflip on a range of previously agreement items;
- An agreement to arbitrate in the Fair Work Commission on wages with a guaranteed payment and the opportunity for the Commission to grant higher wage increases after looking at all the relevant circumstances.
This has only been possible because of the unity of RTBU members.
The threat of our actions next week, including our notified strike for next Friday, clearly had an impact, and as a result we’re in a position where we have in-principal agreement for the new EA.
This of course means the actions planned for next week will not need to go ahead as we’ve won!
Today’s win, and all of the wins that we’ve had over the past 18 months, is confirmation that our strategic and well thought out actions and our unity has worked. Congratulations on getting it to this important point.
We will be in touch over the next day or two with all of the details, then of course we’ll be out for the roadshows in the coming weeks.
Stay tuned for further information on next steps.
In unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511
25 November 2022