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OSP 6 – Right of Way Procedures for Station Staff and On Train Repeaters

Feb 6, 2015Bulletins

Bulletin 11 – 2015

To RTBU Sydney / NSW Trains Stations & Train Guards Members,

Sydney Trains have amended OSP 6 and removed the requirement for station staff to wear the high-visibility vests whilst performing right of way procedures on platforms.

Train Guards and CSA’s believe removing the high visibility vest from the CSA performing right of ways reduces the safety of customers and staff.

The Train Guard must be able to clearly identify the CSA giving the right of way to ensure the safe passage of trains at platforms. NSW Trains have also instructed right of way staff not to wear the high visibility vest without consulting with Train Guards and Station Staff.

To ensure the safety of passengers and staff, members are urged to wear the high visibility vest when giving right of ways and Train Guards to work to OSP 7 if they are unable to see a right of way person with a vest.

Unfortunately safety on Sydney Trains and NSW Trains platforms has been reduced to ensure that the Transport Ministers’ new uniform is noticed by customers.

This decision will compromise the safety of customers embarking and alighting from trains.

Members are advised to contact a delegate or Mick Cartwright on (02)

9264 2511.

Issued by:            Authorised by:
Mick Cartwright

Branch Organiser

         Alex Claassens

         Branch Secretary



