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OSP 24 “Retrieving Items from the Track at Stations” – Update

Dec 2, 2014RTBU News

Bulletin 33 – 2014

To: All Station and Operational Sydney and NSW Trains Members:

Recently a direction was given to staff to perform “litter removal” using OSP 24 as the procedure to follow.

Members are advised that the development of OSP 24 was specifically in relation to retrieving a customer’s dropped personal items. At no time was this OSP to govern the procedure and/or rule to remove litter.

After being advised by members of this directive the RTBU communicated with Network Rules, who along with a number of RTBU Station Delegates participated in the development of this OSP and the dedicated training package, to seek their comments and feedback as to this directive. Below is an extract from an e-mail from Network Rules which agrees with the RTBU’s understanding that OSP 24 is not for “litter removal”.

E-mail dated 27th November, 2014 15:20 hours. “In relation to the concerns raised with OSP 24, it is the view of Network Rules that OSP 24 was not intended nor is it suitable for tasks such as litter removal.

I have communicated this advice to GM Safety Customer Service.”

It is to be noted by members that both Sydney and NSW Trains issued instructions stating that staff are not to use OSP 24 until they have successfully completed the OSP 24 training. NSW Trains Instruction “Issue No. 1029 – 2014” Sydney Trains General Instruction “004 – 2014” 4 July 2014.

Members who have not successfully completed the OSP 24 training or whose risk assessment indicates it is unsafe should not carry out any work associated with OSP 24. If they are directed to perform work that they are not trained in, or consider to perform the work would be unsafe, they should record the incident and report this to their Local Delegate or the RTBU Office.

Remember, you should never perform work that you have not been trained and been found competent to perform or your risk assessment deems it unsafe.


