RTBU Express
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NSW Trains Uniform Dispute

Jan 29, 2014Loco Express

The dispute with management over new uniforms is still ongoing, with participants in the 30-day trial saying it is ‘inappropriate for the type of work being undertaken,’ and reporting numerous issues with various items.

Targets of the heaviest criticism included the shirts and trousers.

The shirt was condemned for being thick and restrictive, with material that does not breathe and collects considerable sweat stains. The bright orange collar reflects off the TOS screens, causing a safety hazard, and in some instances melts when ironed. The trousers were also found unsatisfactory: they are poorly made, inconsistently sized, sewn with impractical and unuseable pockets. They are itchy and uncomfortable when driving and too hot to wear even in moderate weather conditions.

Female participants said the women’s uniform, particularly the orange belt and wide-brimmed hat, made them feel like school children rather than transport professionals.

Members are advised that the RTBU has met with Sydney Trains management under Step 3 of the Dispute settlement procedure in an effort to resolve these issues.

Not only is the proposed uniform unsuitable for loco division members, but the proposal to enforce mandatory name tags puts members at personal risk.

Some ground was gained in regards to suit jackets and the allocation of appropriate trousers, but management refused to concede anything regarding the colour of the shirts or the wearing of nametags. The next step is for both sides to provide their respective positions in writing following which either side can then lodge for a conciliation hearing in Fair Work Australia.

Members will be kept informed as this matter progresses.

