NSW Trains – Sydney Depot On-Board Rostering
Bulletin: 8/19
To: All RTBU On-Board Passenger Trains Members at Sydney Depot.
NSW Trains – Sydney Depot On-Board Rostering
A meeting has been held between NSW Trains and your RTBU Delegates to discuss local rostering issues. The following points were discussed and agreed:
- Holiday Rosters should rotate for each grade with 7 groups. The ability to swap between groups within the same grade. The swap to be organised between Members through their Shift Manager;
- The Master Roster to be displayed in the Locker Room;
- Period Rosters to be sent to each individual and the Period Roster will also be displayed in TCAC;
- All Overtime will be allocated by OpCrew. If an overtime shift is refused it will still be considered as an overtime shift offered to that individual;
- Overtime will be offered within the grade. If unable to fill the overtime within the PSS grade, then the shift will be offered to the next qualified person with the least hours in that fortnight;
- Members will need to make a plan with their Shift Manager to clear excess leave;
- Standby times to match train departures which will also be similar for Relief Staff;
- Members will be called in for known vacancies and standbys will be used for vacancies that occur on the day;
- When trains are cancelled due to trackwork, Members can be booked off not required and paid 7’ 36” or attend work and “work as directed”. NSW Trains can direct members to attend work if the Member was rostered to work on the Master Roster;
- A ZigZag diagram for empty car working will be created;
- Relief staff when relieving for holidays will remain on that Line until the person returns to work.
- Relief Staff may NTA days, however, they may miss out covering a line if those NTAs do not match the RDOs of the line that becomes available.
NSW Trains have agreed to further meetings to resolve any further concerns with Rostering.
Please contact Tracey Sanderson or Chanai Kelleher for any matter you may want raised.
Issued by: | Authorised by: |
Mick Cartwright
Organiser |
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary |