NSW Trains – Come Clean on Your Reform Intentions

Nov 19, 2015Bulletins

Bulletin 63 –

TO: All NSW Trains Members

NSW Trains Management continues to refuse to come clean on their reform agenda. They play the “I don’t know” or “not at this time” card when asked to provide information on what is planned for future reforms.

The RTBU, including a number of Delegates, attended meetings last week and again yesterday with NSW Trains Management to discuss NSW Trains proposal to close the (2) Travel Centres at Strathfield and Parramatta.

At these meetings NSW Trains Management was asked about what else was planned, particularly in regards to other Travel Centres. NSW Trains Management responded by stating that there are no plans for reforms in any other areas, including other Travel Centres, “AT THIS TIME”.

What is concerning is that NSW Trains Management DO HAVE PLANS and ARE ACTIVELY pursuing tenders for the “sales agencies” to sell the products and services, in particular NSW TrainLink ticket sales services across regional NSW and interstate. (Illawarra Mercury Dated 18th November)

Note that while we were meeting with NSW Trains Management, discussing the proposed closure of (2) Travel Centres, Management had already sent advertisements out seeking tenders.

NSW Trains Management are reminded that they have a responsibility to properly consult with the workforce and the union that represents them and the only way that can be achieved is by being honest and open about any future plans that will have a detrimental effect on our workplace and future employment.

Members will be advised of any and all information as it comes to light.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Graham Fozzard


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

