Not Associated Work Dispute – Step 3 Dispute Report Back

Dec 17, 2015Bulletins

Bulletin 66 –

To: RTBU; NSW Train Guards,

NSW Trains’ RTBU Guards Delegates attended a step 3 disputes meeting at Unions NSW regarding the Not Associated Work dispute on the 16th December 2015.

The background to this dispute is as below;

  1. A dispute was raised when NSW TrainLink ceased payment of the Not Associated Working as per clause 117.6(d) pursuant to the NSW Trains Enterprise Agreement 2014. This clause states:

“Train Crew required to work a train for 161 kilometres or more shall, in addition to their minimum payment, be paid for any other duties not associated with that working.”

  1. A number of disputes were raised by RTBU Delegates who supported their position further by referring to the Wages Traffic and Per Way Award, 1960.

At the conciliation meeting NSW Trains put forward a proposal that the delegates from each depot are to provide a copy of all Guards’ schedules that are in dispute within their depot to Branch Organiser, Mick Cartwright. All of the disputed schedules are to be given to Mick Cartwright by the Monday the 4th January 2016.

The disputed schedules will be provided to NSW Trains by Mick Cartwright. After this, further discussions will be held with NSW Trains with regards to the disputed schedules in attempt to resolve the dispute.

In the event that no agreement can be reached on the disputed schedules the matter will then progressed as per the Dispute Settlement Procedure – Clause 8, pursuant to the NSW Trains Enterprise Agreement 2014.

If you have any questions or comments about this matter please contact your local Depot Delegate or the RTBU office.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Mick Cartwright


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary


