RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Recent News

Be in the Ballot for a Christmas Holiday at the RTBU Holiday Park

Be in the Ballot for a Christmas Holiday at the RTBU Holiday Park

Jul 4, 2017

Bulletin 31 – 2017 To: ALL RTBU MEMBERS, A ballot will be […] Read More »

Transport NSW Salaried Award Update

Transport NSW Salaried Award Update

Jul 3, 2017

Bulletin 30 – 2017 To: All RTBU Transport for NSW and Shared […] Read More »

Know Your Rights: Acting Up at a Higher Grade

Know Your Rights: Acting Up at a Higher Grade

Jun 30, 2017

Bulletin 28 – 2017 To: All RTBU Station Staff Members, RTBU members […] Read More »

Sydney Trains Future Operations Update – Train Guards

Sydney Trains Future Operations Update – Train Guards

Jun 30, 2017

Bulletin 27 – 2017 To: RTBU Train Guards – Sydney Trains Members […] Read More »

NSW Rail Entities 2017: Enterprise Bargaining

NSW Rail Entities 2017: Enterprise Bargaining

Jun 30, 2017

Sydney Trains and NSW Trains may soon send out Representation Notices to employees of the two Rail Entities. Actual negotiations will not commence until all the members’ meetings are complete, and the Union’s Log of Claims endorsed. Read More »

Train drivers stick with bus drivers against privatisation

Train drivers stick with bus drivers against privatisation

Jun 29, 2017

Trainee drivers who were not paid their Easter public holiday entitlement have now had their payment adjusted after the Loco Division represented their concerns to Sydney Trains management. Read More »

Congratulations to delegates trained in Newcastle last week!

Congratulations to delegates trained in Newcastle last week!

Jun 28, 2017

Last week a number of our northern delegates from a cross section of the RTBU participated in our delegate training course in Newcastle. Read More »

Learning from our near-death experience with Aurizon

Learning from our near-death experience with Aurizon

Jun 28, 2017

RTBU National Organiser Leanne Holmes gave a great speech on behalf of RTBU National Secretary Bob Nanva at one of the delegates’ workshops this week. Read More »

Congratulations – RailTrain forced back to the bargaining table!

Congratulations – RailTrain forced back to the bargaining table!

Jun 28, 2017

The RTBU congratulates all its members and Railtrain employees for securing a NO vote. Read More »

Aurizon coal – rosters

Aurizon coal – rosters

Jun 27, 2017

After several complaints regarding rostering practices by Aurizon Coal when sending crew to barracks on behalf of members, the RTBU has lodged a formal dispute with the Fair Work Commission. Read More »


