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Recent News

Infrastructure Meal Allowance – Know Your Rights!

May 2, 2018

Bulletin: 28.18   To all: RTBU Infrastructure Members (Sydney Trains)   INFRASTRUCTURE MEAL […] Read More »

Protected action ballot application success. Prepare to vote!

Apr 27, 2018

Bulletin: 27.18 To:       All RTBU ARTC Infrastructure Maintenance Members,   PROTECTION ACTION […] Read More »

Breast Cancer Mother’s Day fundraiser

Apr 27, 2018

This year, a team from Unions NSW will be competing in the Mother’s […] Read More »

RTBU Locomotive member WIN sets state-wide precedent

Apr 24, 2018

In an excellent win not just for our member, but for workers […] Read More »

Retired driver speaks up about railway tragedies 

Apr 23, 2018

Trigger warning: death and suicide. If you need support, please call Lifeline […] Read More »

Media Release: Finally. New Newcastle bus timetable long overdue

Apr 20, 2018

Any new bus timetable in Newcastle must be drafted in consultation with […] Read More »

Protected Action Ballot

Apr 19, 2018

Bulletin 26/18 To all: ARTC NSW Infrastructure Members It was clear during […] Read More »

Media Release: Sydney timetable revelations appalling, workers

Apr 19, 2018

Revelations that transport officials knew the new timetable was destined to be […] Read More »

Panel unanimous in changes needed for regional transport: Politics in the Pub

Apr 18, 2018

Goulburn Post, Mariam Koslay A myriad of complaints confronted the panelists at […] Read More »

International Workers Memorial Day – Newcastle & Sydney Service

Apr 16, 2018

We’ll be holding a Memorial Service for Workers to mourn workers who […] Read More »


