Newcastle transport interchange builders in $2.5m bill dispute forced to count the cost of each bolt
Every single project of Constance’s gets blundered. This Minister is totally incapable of being trusted with tax payer money. It’s well past the time for a new Minister, and it’s the public who are suffering.
Read the Newcastle Herald article below.
THE builder of Newcastle’s $200 million transport interchange and one of its subcontractors are embroiled in a fight over almost $2.5 million in disputed payments.
Laing O’Rourke Australia Construction took action in the Supreme Court last month against rail infrastructure subcontractor, Monford Group, attempting to have an adjudicator’s decision about payment overturned.
The dispute relates to a bill for $2.47 million Monford lodged with Laing O’Rourke in September last year for work the company claimed was done on the transport interchange at Wickham.