RTBU Express
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Newcastle Interchange Interim Arrangement

Sep 28, 2017Loco Express


Members are advised that NSW Trains have proposed to move the sign on/off procedure along with the attesting officers from Hamilton to the Newcastle Interchange from 25 September 2017.

The proposed diagrams for the last week of the fortnight show ‘sign on’ at Hamilton yet ‘sign off’ at Newcastle Interchange which obviously conflicts with the Home Depot provisions of the EA and DR&WA.

NSW Trains advised that they were not in a position to amend the proposed diagrams to reflect the correct Home Depot requirements or retain attesting staff at Hamilton depot.

Based on the above, a time trail of walking and taxi arrangements necessary to get members from Hamilton to Newcastle Interchange was undertaken with 22 minutes deemed appropriate for the tasks.

The Loco Division has negotiated the following outcome for Hamilton members:

For the interim period ( 25th  to 30th September 2017), all affected employees at the Hamilton Depot will receive a 44 minute subject time payment each day for the abovementioned interim period which includes attesting at the Home Depot.

This offer and its acceptance is on the basis that neither NSW Trains nor the RTBU will use this as a precedent for any other matter or claim.

The RTBU appreciates the prompt actions of the Hamilton Sub Division in bringing this matter to a successful conclusion.


