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Newcastle Area Signaller Issue

Jul 20, 2016Bulletins

Bulletin 22 – 2016

TO: RTBU Members; Signallers and Area Controllers; Newcastle/Hunter Valley

As a result of a members meeting in Newcastle on Tuesday 12th July 2016 we met with Sydney Trains management on Tuesday 19th July 2016 to discuss members concerns, please see below;


Issue Sub-Issue Sydney Trains Position Outcome
Consultation New Panel

·         Learning time


Sydney Trains to confirm learning time.


Waiting for position in writing.

·         Roster ·         This roster is viewed as a temporary roster.

·         Eventually everyone will be on one single rotating roster.

·         Offered for members to ‘tinker’ around with the newly presented temporary roster.

Sydney Trains agree with the following:

·         In the event members amend the proposed temporary roster, Sydney Trains willing to accept the changes providing they meet the rostering principles.

·         In the event members put forward their own proposed roster, Sydney Trains willing to accept the changes providing they meet the rostering principles.

Please note: this has to be done prior to the new panel being commissioned.

·         Ergonomics Sydney Trains confirmed that Human Factors had attended Broadmeadow and gave the tick of approval. ·         Sydney Trains are going to provide the minutes or notes from Human Factors.

·         Concerns have been forwarded to Sydney Trains that were emailed to the RTBU and brought up in the meeting.

·         Blocking Facilities See above See above
·         Train Register Book (TRB) Sydney Trains originally wanted to implement block sheets. Sydney Trains have agreed to the use of TRBs.


·         ARTC ·         Sydney Trains were unaware of a meeting with ARTC.

·         Sydney Trains were unaware of any agreement regarding communications between the box and ARTC.

·         Sydney Trains to present the minutes of any meeting that took place between Sydney Trains and ARTC.

·         A meeting to be called between Sydney Trains and ARTC involving representatives from RTBU if required.

·         Commitment from Sydney Trains to install Phoenix mimic panel into Broadmeadow.



·         Position Description Sydney Trains did not realise these were not made available. Sydney Trains to ensure that Position Descriptions will be made available.


Level Crossing Clearance of Signal over the level crossing at Hamilton Signaller sets the road as per timetable. Any delay will be allocated to the appropriate area. E.g. Stations or Train Crew. Follow standard procedure of noting in TRB.
Timesheets Signallers and ACs not being paid correctly due to not sighting timesheets prior to submission. Sydney Trains were unaware of the extent of the problem. ·         Sydney Trains to conduct a review to address as soon as possible. This will include studying what occurs at other boxes in other regions.

·         If there is a substantial discrepancy in pay (e.g. whole shift) a special payroll run will be conducted.

General Relief ·         Confirmation of home station

·         Definition of Relief (floating) Signaller.

·         Home station will be Broadmeadow Signal Complex.

·         The ‘floating’ relief will be required to work between Gosford and Hamilton Yard only.

Relief (Floating) Signaller Confirmation of whether Relief (Floating) Signallers will be expected to work base roster when on standby. Sydney Trains unsure and will seek clarification. To be confirmed.
Current VR Package Status on request from RTBU to Sydney Trains re: securing current VR package on condition of signaller(s) remaining until Hamilton Yard Box decommissioned. Sydney Trains to confirm. To be confirmed.
Essential Paperwork Signallers are not allocated to complete essential paperwork. E.g. IIMS reports Sydney Trains agreed that essential paperwork is required to be done prior to the completion of shift. Sydney Trains have agreed to approve overtime to complete essential paperwork.
Union Noticeboard Union material is being removed without authority. Sydney Trains agree that this is not acceptable. Locked glass cabinet will be provided as a matter of urgency.


The RTBU has arranged for a membership meeting to be held with Sydney Trains in Broadmeadow Signal Complex on Thursday 21st from 11am till 1pm, if members have any questions prior to the meeting please contact your local delegate or the RTBU office.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Helen Bellette


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary



