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New Intercity Fleet (NIF) Update

Feb 6, 2020News

Bulletin: 2.20

To: Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Trains Members.

Members will be fully aware of the RTBU’s ongoing attempts to force NSW Trains to properly consult with the RTBU and HSR’s regarding the various elements of the NIF project.

In controversial circumstances today, NSW Trains have inexplicably cancelled the planned NIF HSR working group meeting and made the rostered HSR’s report to TCAC for further work.

This planned HSR working group meeting was the first meeting to occur since testing of the NIF commenced which could lead one to conclude that NSW Trains may have something to hide with regard to its testing regime. This would have also been the first NIF HSR working group meeting in 3 months.

NSW Trains cancelled its meeting despite 5 recent Provisional Improvement Notices (PINs) HSRs in the group have issued in relation to the NIF, and the subsequent intervention of SafeWork into the process to date.

At the combined SafeWork meeting on Monday 3rd January, NSW Trains committed to provide the HSR working group with a date it could access the NIF train for static testing. This action could only lead one to further speculate that NSW Trains cancelled this meeting to avoid providing that date as it may have something to hide.

Further, one could speculate that NSW Trains cancelled the work group meeting today because the HSR’s had invited the RTBU to discuss joint safety concerns prior to their discussions with NSW Trains. This invitation is something which they are entitled to do in accordance with the Act and is something for which NSW Trains appears to have taken umbrage.

Members will be kept informed as this interesting turn of events unfolds further.

Issued and Authorised by:

Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

