New Intercity Fleet (NIF) Update

Nov 28, 2019Bulletins News

Bulletin: 52/19

To: Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Trains and Sydney Trains Guards and Station Staff Members.

New Intercity Fleet (NIF) Update

NSW Trains met with the RTBU this morning and presented a booklet titled “Your Guide to the New Intercity Fleet”. The RTBU was then advised that the booklet would be given out to Train Crew and Station Staff starting today. NSW Trains did not consult about the content of the booklet and the RTBU was not aware of it until today’s meeting.

A new classification has been proposed by NSW Trains titled “Intercity Specialist Driver” and will receive a pay increase of 4% above the current pay rate for a Driver. The 4% is apparently intended to “reflect the increased responsibilities” of the new role.

The pay rate for the new role of Customer Service Guard (CSG) will be $1230.40 per week which is $137.85 less than current Guard thereafter rate. Kilometerage payments will also be removed for the new CSG role.

From 30 June 2023, all remaining Guards will convert to the Customer Service Guard (CSG) role and will lose their pay rate and kilometreage payment. Guards who work the other fleets such as the Hunter or Endeavour cars will be paid an allowance on top of the CSG base rate.

When the NIF Fleet is fully implemented, Guards who do not take on the CSG role will be able to take voluntary redundancy. However, according to the arrangements proposed in the booklet, the redundancy entitlement will be as per the entitlement in the EA “applicable at the time you leave”.

NSW Trains intend to post this booklet and offer on their Intra-Net site and will commence advising their employees at the next round of “In the Know” sessions commencing next week.

The RTBU has not been consulted with, nor has it agreed to, any of the content of the “Your Guide to the New Intercity Fleet” booklet. The RTBU was not aware of the offer until today and we are actively opposed to the contents of this booklet. Any suggestion or inference by NSW Trains that this is agreed or that consultation has occurred is a lie.

Members’ concerns about the operating model of the NIF remain and none of the safety issues have been addressed. It’s disappointing that NSW Trains has shown a blatant disregard for the safety of the public and our members’ jobs on the NIF.

We have lodged a dispute about the booklet with NSW Trains and have demanded an urgent meeting for morning of 29 November 2019. Members will be kept informed and if further information is required they should contact their local delegate or head office.

Issued and Authorised by:

Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

