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Multi Control Station (Cluster) Management

Jul 22, 2015Bulletins

Bulletin 40, 2015 –

TO: RTBU Sydney Trains Station Duty Managers

Members have raised concerns that at some locations their Station Customer Managers (SCMs) have instructed their Station Duty Managers (SDMs) to carry out CSA performance reviews, “My Success at Work” plans, at stations within the SCM’s Cluster.

This matter has been raised with Senior Sydney Trains Management and they have responded with the following:

“Further to the issue raised regarding multi control station management arrangements. The A/Director Customer Service Directorate has asked the GMCS to remind all SCMs that they are responsible for the multi control management of stations within their station group and that it is not the role of SDMs.”

It should be noted that when the staff reviews were conducted that resulted in the abolition of the 118 Station Managers positions and replaced with the 26 SCMs the former functions and responsibilities for the management of the “cluster stations” would be taken over by the SCMs.

The RTBU has been notified that in some locations various functions and responsibilities that the SCMs have are being farmed out to SDMs.

This farming out of the functions and responsibilities of the SCMs is being done without consultation, under threats of, “if you don’t do it you won’t have a job” and without the recognition for the increase in the roles and responsibilities of the SDMs.

If members are aware of, have concerns about this farming out of the SCMs’ functions and/or responsibilities and/or experiencing threats, they should bring the issue to the notice of their RTBU Delegate or the RTBU Office.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Graham Fozzard


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

