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Moss Vale train cleaners win MP support in fight for jobs

Dec 16, 2019News

Local Moss Vale cleaners who clean intercity trains protested outside local MP Wendy Tuckerman’s office on Friday 13 December – furious at the local MPs ongoing refusal to meet with them.

RTBU NSW Secretary Alex Claassens said the local MP had refused to meet with the workers from her electorate whose jobs are at risk as a result of the NSW Government’s decision to privatise the cleaning services on intercity train services.

The cleaners’ demonstration worked, and Ms Tuckerman made time for the cleaners and RTBU reps. She has now committed to going away and talking to the Transport Minister about what can be done to protect our cleaners’ jobs.

“Wendy Tuckerman had refused to commit to a meeting with the local cleaners whose jobs are on the chopping block, said Mr Claassens. “Now after a show of force, she will raise her constituents’ concerns with the Transport Minister – as is her job.

“The removal of public jobs in our regions, where workers most need opportunities, is shameful. This concession is only the beginning. We must see it through and ensure Ms Tuckerman represents her constituents concerns properly to her party.

“We congratulate our members on the fruits of their efforts and will continue to fight the privatisation of our transport services.

Read the full story on the Goulburn Express.

