Mobile phones for NSW Trains drivers
Members are advised that NSW Trains is about to commence a trial of iPhone 6s for drivers to use in conjunction with the “TellUs” app for reporting train faults.
The intent is to use these devices to eventually replace the existing paper-based system. The trial will run for three weeks and representatives have been requested to participate. The purpose of the trial is to ascertain the practicalities of utilising this device in everyday driving duties along with any other associated issues that may arise.
The existing TWP rules covering the use of mobile phones in driver’s cabs will apply equally to corporate issued phones as it does to personal phones during the trial process. The current existing standard apps of “Next There”, “Trip View” and “Trip Go” which are being used on the Sydney Trains issued iPads will be available on these phones along with internal email access. However, NSW Trains does not intend to use these devices to access Train Operating Manuals or Train Working Procedures at this time.
Members will be further informed of the outcomes of the trial once it concludes.