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Metro Trains Sydney – Safety is Union Business

Mar 6, 2025News

Bulletin No.7.25

Dear Members,

Staff safety is becoming a growing concern across the Network – particularly the risk involved in working on single person stations.

We’ve written to Metro Trains Sydney under the provisions of the Work Health and Safety Act requesting that

Metro Trains Sydney produce the risk assessment, or equivalent safe system of work developed by Metro Trains Sydney for isolated workers at Metro Train Sydney one person stations. 

The above includes, but is not limited to, policies, procedures or equivalent, developed in consultation with all relevant stakeholders i.e. HSR’s, Safety Committee members, affected workers or equivalent. 

When this information is received, we’ll convene a meeting of Health and Safety Representative’s to consider the adequacy of the risk assessments provided.

In the meantime, it is important that members never put yourself in danger or intervene in a situation that would put you at risk.

The union will support any member who puts safety first and removes themselves from a dangerous situation. This is your right!

Please contact your RTBU Delegates or elected HSR’s with any questions or concerns.

Every worker is precious!

Issued by:                                                     Authorised by:
Amanda Perkins                                          Toby Warnes
Branch Organiser                                         Branch Secretary

Click HERE to download bulletin.

