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Members endorse Log of Claims at Airport Link

Jun 21, 2022News

Bulletin No: 7.22

With negotiations for a new enterprise agreement about to commence, members were recently asked to endorse our log of claims which our bargaining team will use to argue for. Overwhelmingly, members endorsed the log of claims with 98% in favour of the claim.

We’ve written to management who have indicated they will commence bargaining on the 22 June 2022. The Notification for Representative Rights (NERR) was sent to members last week. You don’t need to do anything regarding this notice, the union is your bargaining representative by default

Congratulations to everyone who provided feedback throughout the formulation of the log of claims. Remember, this is your enterprise agreement and its vitally important that you remain involved throughout the process.

Your Airport Link bargaining team is:

  1. Saifa Rahman
  2. Mari Laukkanen
  3. Yannick Typhis

Should you have anything further to add or require any further information please contact one of your representatives on the bargaining team or your Organiser.

Issued By:
Wayne Moody
Authorised By:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

Click HERE to download this bulletin.

