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Members’ Bulletin: Sydney Train Guards Competency Assessments

Jul 22, 2021Bulletins News

Bulletin No: 26.21

22 July 2021

To: RTBU Sydney Trains Guards Members,

On Sunday, 18 July 2021 Sydney Trains released a communication which stated that Competency Assessments (CA) would continue during the current COVID-19 restrictions.

This decision is clearly concerning for Train Guards considering the rate of community transmission and the inability to maintain physical distance for extended periods of time during these assessments.

The Train Guards Sub-Division believe that this decision by Sydney Trains forces Guards to accept an unnecessary risk.

With the current circumstances in mind, if you are rostered for a CA our advice is for is for you to conduct a personal risk assessment and if you feel that participating in CA puts your health and safety at risk contact your Shift Manager and ask them to reschedule CA.

You should also advise your manager that you are still available for alternative and safe duties.

For assistance or support please contact your Organiser or Delegate.

Issued & Authorised by

Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

Click here to download a copy of this bulletin.

