Mark Diamond appointed as RTBU National Secretary

Oct 21, 2019News

The RTBU National Executive today appointed Mark Diamond as the Union’s new National Secretary, following the resignation of Bob Nanva.

Many members will know Mark from his role as the RTBU’s National Lawyer, where he worked closely with officials, organisers, delegates and members across all Branches and Divisions and was responsible for:

  • Running high-level and precedent setting legal cases for members, such as successfully appealing a Fair Work Commission decision made in favour of Pacific National that would have destroyed the ability of all unions to protect their members’ anonymity by notifying disputes in the name of the union;
  • Providing strategic and legal advice across the union on enterprise bargaining and industrial strategies, such as at Aurizon, Pacific National, Metro Melbourne and Metro Tasmania;
  • Coordinating the National Office’s campaign against wage theft at labour hire companies, such as taking the labour hire company Railtrain to the federal court for their shameful unpaid training strategy prior to engaging the trainees as employees (currently pending decision);
  • Leading the implementation of training programs across the Union, including for financial governance, national delegates, industrial officers, organising strategy and right of entry permits;
  • Leading the Union’s response in nationally significant industrial and legal disputes, such as overseeing the rule change process to ensure the RTBU can continue to represent State Transit Authority members post privatisation; and
  • Providing day-to-day guidance, training and assistance to people at all levels of the union, including industrial officers, organisers, delegates and rank and file members.

National President Shayne Kummerfeld said Mark Diamond has proven himself as a highly effective and compelling advocate for RTBU members.

“Mark has been at the forefront of our battles with employers over recent years – not just in the court room, but also with organising, negotiating and campaigning.

“Mark has the full support of the National Executive, and we’re sure he’ll do a fantastic job as National Secretary.”

Shayne Kummerfeld also paid tribute to outgoing National Secretary Bob Nanva.

“Bob has led the RTBU with distinction since 2011.

“Under his stewardship, the RTBU has weathered the storm of successive anti-union conservative Federal Governments, and has implemented substantial reforms to its governance and financial management.

“The RTBU has also been seen as a relevant and credible voice on the national stage -which was recognised when Bob was appointed as a National Vice President of the ACTU.

“Although Bob leaves the full-time role from his Union, we are sure his advocacy for public transport and infrastructure will continue in his new political role as a proud and continuing member of the RTBU. “RTBU members wish Bob all the best in his new role with NSW Labor.”

