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Loco Division backs sacked MUA port workers

Aug 7, 2015Loco Express

Workers, and the Loco Division, are rallying behind almost 100 port workers from Sydney and Brisbane who were sent text messages and emails late at night telling them they no longer had jobs.

6680108-3x2-700x467Dozens of workers have now formed a picket line at the wharf at Port Botany in protest of Hutchinson Ports treatment of its employees.

The company’s email stated that the workers’ positions had been made redundant, that there were no re-deployment opportunities and that their personal belongings would be sent to them via courier.

The Loco Division condemns the actions of the company and is supporting the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and its members in their efforts to resolve this disgraceful situation.

You can read more about the situation here on the ABC website. 

