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Liverpool Garrison FWC Appeal Decision

Sep 3, 2020News

Bulletin No. 45.20

To: All Sydney Trains CSAs, CSTLs, CSTLQs and SDMs.

In April, the Fair Work Commission (the Commission) handed down a decision allowing Sydney Trains to remove the Garrison at Liverpool Station despite the important role it plays for staff safety and their operational duties. The RTBU appealed that decision to the Full Bench in hope the Full Bench would understand how Sydney Trains actions are unreasonable and unnecessary. 

This week the Commission yet again handed down another disastrous decision which fails working people. The decision that came down gives Sydney Trains a green light to remove the Garrison at Liverpool Station despite the genuine safety concerns we raised. Again, this is another awful decision from the Commission who plainly do not understand the real world.

For the last two years, RTBU members and delegates from Liverpool Station have stood together against Sydney Trains’ costly and pointless crusade to remove the Garrison. Sydney Trains management’s rationale is that they want the Liverpool Station concourse to be more aesthetically pleasing for the customer and they need room for more ticket barriers, despite the fact they could easily fit three more gates by removing the stretch of railing between the booth and the barriers.

It is beyond comprehension why Sydney Trains is so adamant to spend thousands of dollars to remove a Garrison that is imperative to our members’ jobs and safety.

Even with this decision, Sydney Trains have committed to the RTBU the Garrison will not be removed until COVID-19 has ended. This commitment shows that Sydney Trains recognises the important role the Garrison has played in protecting our members safety during this unprecedented pandemic. Given there is no certainty around the pandemic ending, we hope Sydney Trains management, despite the Commission’s decision, will do the right thing and retain the Garrison for good.

In the next few weeks, we will be meeting with Liverpool members and delegates to explore our available options. This campaign is not over until the Garrison has been officially removed. We congratulate all members and delegates who have collectively stood up to management and who had fronted the Commission in the last two years.

Any questions, please contact your local RTBU delegate or your Organiser on (02) 9264 2511.

If you are not an RTBU member, JOIN THE UNION TODAY! Together we are stronger! To join, contact our membership services team on (02) 9264 2511 or email at nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au.

Issued by:
Trent Hunter
Authorised by:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

Please click HERE to download the bulletin.

