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LICS Operators Meeting with Sydney Trains

Nov 24, 2020News

Bulletin No. 65.20

On 20 November 2020, RTBU Representatives from the Line Information Control (LICS) Operators and the Signaller Sub-Division Executive attended a meeting with Sydney Trains for their response to our proposal to fairly compensate LICS Operators for the additional duties and infrastructure arising from the taking on of Train Control Decision Capture (TCDC) duties.

The response from Sydney Trains was disappointing in that it only addressed a small part of the regrade proposal and did not address any other items put forward.

In the meeting, Sydney Trains made a preliminary offer to increase LICS Operators to Grade 2 – Signaller. However, Sydney Trains stated that any increase in pay would be dependent on approval by a separate committee and that there are limited funds available to finance it.

Sydney Trains did not have any response to:

  1. The Grade 3 increase;
  2. Commitment to ongoing training; and
  3. Development of a dedicated LICS Operator Trainer.

Sydney Trains should provide a written response shortly which will be circulated to all members followed by a vote by all effected members on whether this proposal should be accepted or declined.

For further information please contact your local delegate or the RTBU Office on nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au.

Issued by:
Helen Bellette
Authorised by:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

Please click HERE to download the bulletin.

