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Let’s support businesses who won’t cut rates: send your pics!

Mar 5, 2017Loco Express

One of our members from the Blue Mountains has sent in the details of a business which won’t be cutting Sunday and public holiday penalty rates for its staff.

Glenbrook Liquor Store has a sign out front confirming that it’s proud to pay its staff penalty rates.

It also posted on its Facebook page:

“Our staff work hard and don’t deserve to be paid less for doing the same job!”

We’d love to promote any other businesses in your community who are also standing up for penalty rates.

If you see a business sticking up for workers and promising not to slash their pay please send us your photos!

Post details in a comment below or send them via email: locoexpress@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

You can read more in the Blue Mountains Gazette (scroll through to page 10)

