RTBU Express
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Latest EA Update and Proposed PIA

Oct 3, 2024News

Bulletin No. 18.24

To: All RTBU Members – Transport Officers

Dear Members,

Thank you to everyone who attended the RTBU member meeting last week.

Apologies to those members who kept on getting removed from the meeting, this was a technical glitch and hopefully will not happen again.

If members would prefer the next report back to be a hybrid of face to face and Teams, the union will try and accommodate this.

At the meetings, RTBU members endorsed the following protected industrial actions:

A ban on bus deployments.

A ban on static deployments.

A ban on issuing fines (meaning only cautions issued).

A ban on tapping on and off Kronos.

These actions will be notified at the end of the intensive bargaining period.

Keep an eye out for further updates.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact your delegates Dane (PSA) and Aaron (RTBU).

Authorised by;
Toby Warnes
Branch Secretary

Click HERE to download the bulletin.

