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Important information regarding RTBU proceedings in the NSW Industrial Court

Sep 27, 2024News

Bulletin No. 11.24

To: All Pacific National IPS RTBU Members

Dear Members,

Your RTBU Legal Team is preparing for our NSW Industrial Court proceedings around the lockout by Pacific National last year.

The RTBU has always contended this Lockout was not protected and therefore illegal.

The purpose of pursuing this matter is to get back your lost wages.

Pacific National has provided the RTBU with a list of staff they claim were subject to the lockout.

Please check the attached list and if your name is missing, please contact your Organiser Amanda Perkins aperkins@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

The case will be heard in November – we will keep members updated!

This has been a long struggle, but the RTBU never gives up.

Authorised by:
Toby Warnes
Branch Secretary

Please click HERE to download this bulletin.

