Implementation and time of new EA entitlements fixed

17 February 2023
Dear Members
As advised, we attended a meeting yesterday at 2pm. We wanted to get back to you last night, but the response we received to our concerns took a little while to digest.
We were told in the meeting that their “systems” were not ready for the new enterprise agreement to come into effect, and they were blindsided by the approval of the agreement by the Fair Work Commission.
This is despite an in-principle agreement being reached on 25 November 2022, and the agreement being voted up by members on 30 January 2023.
This morning management asked us to attend another meeting. Luckily, management have seen the light and will be implementing the new entitlements in the enterprise agreement in full and on time.
This means that the 2.53% increase and the backpay to 1 May 2022 will be made in the next full pay cycle (3 March for some, 10 March for others). There will then be a further adjustment made if the Commission comes back with a further increase.
All other entitlements are payable and enforceable from today. This includes new entitlements to crib breaks and any other associated conditions such as lift up and lay back for NSW Trains Train Crew as a result of changed start or finish times.
In terms of the tax treatment of the $4,500, there are a variety of things that may effect how much you were taxed, including things like HECS debts. We understand that management are sending out an explanatory email with some examples in it. If you have any concerns about the way you were taxed make sure you contact your line manager.
In unity,
Issued & authorised by Alex Claassens, Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union – NSW Branch
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 92642511