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Given Name Displayed on Identification Badge

Feb 18, 2014RTBU News

Bulletin 7 – To Station Staff –

The dispute in relation to member’s given name being displayed on identification badge is still ongoing and doesn’t appear a resolution will be found any time soon.

An update of the past meetings and events are below:

  • Sydney Trains informed the RTBU that they had consulted through the WHS representatives and conducted a risk assessment at Central Station. The RTBU stated that we believed that our membership was not properly consulted and our members had not been advised of the risk assessment or advised of the results. We then conducted a survey of members using Survey Monkey.  The results of the survey of members was overwhelming in favour of the following:
  • Having the option of a number instead of a name
  • Putting a preferred name on the badge instead of given name
  • The matter was escalated for conciliation to Unions NSW. The conciliation took place on 28th January where two RTBU Delegates and an Organiser attended. The suggestions listed above were put forward by the Delegates to management. Sydney Trains stated that they conducted a WHS risk assessment at Central. In addition, this was put past WorkCover and WorkCover approved.
  • Sydney Trains responded on the 6th February outlining a process for members to report to the SCM’s where there are concerns to safety and the SCM’s will ‘proactively manage’ the threat.
  • The RTBU consulted with the membership and have put documentation back to Sydney Trains informing them that this matter is still in dispute and have offered the following:
  • Members nominate a number rather than given name
  • Members nominate a “Preferred Name” rather than given name
  • A risk assessment as per the legislation being conducted at all stations.


If members have any questions or comment, please contact your local Delegate or the RTBU office.

