RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Feb 13, 2023News

Bulletin No. 3.23

Dear Members

RTBU CSAs and DMs have raised concerns with being disadvantaged as a result of the trial of the Flexible Leave process engaged by Sydney Trains.

Due to the number of complaints, the RTBU would like to know any feedback, concerns or issues you might have.

If you have any concerns about the Flexible Leave process, please send them via email to your stations organiser, Matt Bindley. The email address members should send their responses to is mbindley@rtbu-nsw.asn.au.

We ask that members also submit their name and classification within their email.

Information needs to be submitted by 7th March 2023.

All information received will be strictly confidential and only used for this matter.

Sydney Trains has committed to meet with the RTBU in March 2023 to review aspects of the operation.

We will update members accordingly as the process unfolds.

Please click HERE to download the bulletin.

Issued & Authorised By:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

