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Fleet Maintenance Cleaners – Asbestos Update

Jul 24, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 37 – 2017

To: RTBU Members; Fleet Maintenance Cleaners


On the 20th July 2017, the RTBU wrote to Sydney Trains outlining members asbestos concerns. Cleaners were concerned about opening the electrical cupboards in the vestibule of V Sets to access electricity to run vacuum cleaners may expose them to asbestos dust.

On the 21st July 2017, an urgent meeting was held with Sydney Trains where many of the concerns were resolved. We agreed that:

  • 2 WHS Representatives from Cleaning to represent cleaners on the Asbestos Consultative Committee.
  • Sydney Trains needed to provide written confirmation that the electrical cupboards are free from asbestos – they have done this.
  • Continuous asbestos testing will be rolled out across all areas.

If you still have concerns, please speak with your supervisor or local delegate.

