Establishment of Depots at Leppington and Auburn Stabling Facility
To: RTBU Members – Guards & Stations
Members are advised that the RTBU has begun consultation with Sydney Trains regarding the establishment of train crew depots at the above locations. A working group has been established (which includes RTBU nominated representatives from the various Divisions / Depots affected) to discuss and work through the various aspects of the above process.
Ongoing discussions are occurring regarding the process for transferring of employees to these locations along with the potential impacts to the mentioned existing depots. Members will be kept informed through regular bulletins as this matter progresses.
At this time, Sydney Trains are awaiting final timetabling details from Transport for NSW and once received crew numbers can then be allocated to the new depot structures.
To date, it is proposed that the allocation of trains for these centres will come from Liverpool, Flemington and Campbelltown with the Liverpool Train Crew Depot which Sydney Trains has earmarked for closure in January 2015 to coincide with the opening of the Leppington Depots.